Tuesday, August 02, 2005

End of Day 4: Digging


Well, I'm still in the process of collecting a lot and lot of information. I'm waiting to hear from couple of important(for this project) people. Just to clarify things for those of you who are actually out there listening. This started as a punjabi to english dictionary and a tool to collect words from the sikh community. Which is pretty easy to do (you macth a word with a word from the DB, throw a couple of forms to collect information and a couple of queries to "insert" it in to the dB....that's it folks that's what a db search and collection feature is).

BUT since i took on this project i've learnt that that's not what a dictionary is suppose to do. And there're so many of the simple dictionaries already out there that it would be a waste of effort if we just built a simple (select * from tbl_1 where word LIKE '%myWord%')...

BUT i do like the idea of having a collection tool, that's a pretty FAT idea! And the good news is that it doesn't take much to build a tool like that. BUT there's one problem and that is i basically have to assume that everyone is using a UNICODE font such as SAAB (is on windows xp). and do i want to prevent enteries if it's not a UNICODE font.

That's what i'been working on the past two nights. and i couldn't help it...i started designing the site!;p i tried to fight it but i think i have the logo down too...i'll unvail it when i'm good and ready...

Go DC public transportation/METRO!!!!(let's just hope no one jumps off any of the bridges tomorrow...)

i might try posting in SAAB or some other unicode font...

peace and love!

Sat Kartar!


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