Thursday, August 04, 2005

End of day 6: was very very tired

i didn't get to do much today except look at some code. i was sooooooo tired all day it's not even funny...even now. ohh let me break down my day for you:

6:30 wake up (i'm following Guruka Singh's advise)
7:45 Leave for work
8:45 get to work (because i drove...i've been so bad, i should be taking the bus/train but i'm always late)
5:45 leave work
7:30 pm get home and take care of my daugther until 9 pm.
9:00pm got on gurumustak's blog
10:30pm got off gurumustak's blog and i'm swearing off his blog it's too adictive (it's like chat room for adults)

i should go to sleep now cuz if i'm off tomorrow and have to take care of my daughter all day long and will work on this project while she's napping. OMG Waheguru, please let her take naps tomorrow, long ones!!!! i don't have the energy to deal with that rugrat! i'll post a pic of her soon...actually she has her own blog...(since feb/march i think)...


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